All posts by Pascale Faessler


Simon Sauter completes management buy-out

We are pleased to inform you that the management buy-out process of Schmid Automation AG, which has started five years ago, has now been completed.  Simon Sauter takes over the entire business, including its subsidiaries Schmid Automation GmbH, Augsburg and Schmid Schaltanlagen AG, St. Gallen, retroactively per 1st of November 2022. Simon Sauter has been Managing Director of Schmid Automation since 2017 and already held a minority stake in the company. Until now, the remaining shares belonged to FILTROX Holding AG. In the future, FILTROX wants to focus entirely on its core business, which is depth filtration of valuable liquids. 

“Simon Sauter is the ideal owner for Schmid Automation AG. As an experienced engineer and
long-standing managing director, he is perfectly prepared to lead the company successfully
into the future”, Dr. Cristian Rusch, CEO of FILTROX, is quoted. Simon Sauter adds: “It gives
me great pleasure to further develop the topics of digitalization for the benefit of our
customers with our highly motivated team”. …